Saturday, February 6, 2016

Elaboration on the Light-bulb

Elaboration on the Light-Bulb 

Although electricity existed before the  late 19th century, it was Thomas Edison who invented the commercial light-bulb. It is important to note how the key here was the ability to put light-bulbs in homes and buildings! This significantly changed human patterns of behavior. For example, the work-day was no longer limited based on the sun and season. Secondly, people could read, study, and utilize their homes to the full extent. 

Imagine cooking in the dark? 
Imagine using the bathroom in the dark? 
Imagine sleeping at 9PM?
The list goes on..

This invention changed the way humans perceive their day. Clearly, we have seen improvements in the usage of electricity over the past 100 years. Specifically, with the light-bulb we have seen many variations - LED, white, colored, etc. Moreover, the technology likely shaped the development of TVs!

I picked this invention because it is hard to imagine a world without light-bulbs. For example, when there is a black-out, it seems that the world stops working and our life is at a standstill. 

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